Pre-primary education and early childhood education and care in preschool

Pre-primary education and early childhood education and care in preschool

Pre-primary education

Preschool-aged children, meaning six-year-olds, attend pre-primary education organised by the municipality. Preschool is also attended by the seven-year-olds whose school start has been postponed. Taking part in pre-primary education is compulsory under the Basic Education Act. The child’s guardian is responsible for ensuring that the child attends pre-primary education or other activity that achieves the objectives of said education during the school year preceding the beginning of compulsory education. Kitee has five pre-primary education providers. The number and size of the groups varies each year according to the current need.

Pre-primary education is based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care and on the local curriculum for early childhood education and care. Pre-primary education is aimed at strengthening the confidence, independence and learning skills of children.


Daycare for a child in pre-primary education is organised in connection with the preschool facility. The early childhood education and care services in preschool are based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care and on the local curriculum for early childhood education and care.

Otsikko: Yhteystiedot



Anne Hakala

varhaiskasvatuksen palvelusuunnittelija
 040 105 0215