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Welcome to Kitee

A Visit to Kitee is an Adventure!

Kitee is known for Finnish baseball and Nightwish, but also for its unbelieveable nature.

Kitee offers You traditional Finnish landscapes, rare groves and astounding views - but also North Karelian city culture at its best.

Our hospitable accommodation services, restaurants with delicious local delicacies and versatile selection of local products keeps you enchanted for as long as you decide to stay with us.

We warmly welcome You to Kitee!


Tourist Information Services

Kitee Tourist Information - A Nightwish Story -center
Kiteentie 13
Daily 10-17
tel. 040 105 1021

Sovintola Kesälahti
Pyhäjärventie 8
Tuesday-Friday 10-18, Saturday 10-16
tel. 040 105 2008


During wintertime Tourist Information Services can be found from Kitee and Kesälahti Service Points.
Kitee, tel. 040 105 1020
Kesälahti, puh. 040 105 2222

Asset Publisher

Satu Juntunen

johdon sihteeri
 040 105 1015


Kitee Tourist Information - A Nightwish Story -keskus
Kiteentie 13, 82500 KITEE

Avoinna Open
ma-pe, Monday to Friday 10-17
p. 040 105 1021

Opastettuja ryhmä- ja tilauskäyntejä
Guided Tours, 
yhteydenotot viikkoa ennen suunniteltua käyntiä
Please contact week before visit: //, p. 050 364 7267

Kiteen kaupungin kesäinfopisteet 

Sovintola, Kesälahti
Pyhäjärventie 8, 59800 Kesälahti
Avoinna ti - pe 10 - 17, la 10 - 16
10.6. - 3.8.2024
puh. 040 105 2008

Vanha Puhos
Myllyniemi 4, 82430 Puhos
20.6. - 4.8.2024
Avoinna la-su 9.45 - 17.15
puh. 040 105 2012

Talvella matkailuneuvonta asiointipisteissä 
Kiteellä, puh. 040 105 1020
Kesälahdella, puh. 040 105 2222

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