Building Control

Building Control

Building Control

The Building Control services promote, guide and supervise the building and maintenance of a top-quality building stock and an inviting environment.

The local building control authority in Kitee is the Environmental Committee, with a building inspector working under its jurisdiction. The building inspector is primarily responsible for supervising building work and offering building-related advice.

If you are planning on starting a building project, contact Building Control as early as possible. By doing so, you ensure that you receive the necessary guidance and advice, and that the permit process runs smoothly.

To streamline the process, Building Control recommends customers to be in contact by telephone or e-mail in advance before visiting the Building Control services.

Building permit

Measures requiring a building permit include

  • construction of a new building
  • extending a building or increasing its gross floor area (e.g. attic spaces)
  • alterations comparable to new construction
  • substantial alterations to the intended use of the building
  • renovations and alterations that may affect the safety or health conditions of those using the building.

Tariffs of the local building control authority

Building Control charges fees for inspection and supervision measures in accordance with the local building control authority’s tariff established under section 145 of the Land Use and Building Act.






Henri Asikainen

 040 105 1217