Opiskelijakunta ja tutor-opiskelijat
Student tutors
Student association and student tutors
Student association and student tutors
Student association
Kitee Upper Secondary School students are represented by a board. The board maintains the school kiosk, arranges regular meetings, and organises different events at school, as well as extra curricular activities during the academic year. In addition, the board members take turns to participate in various committees and teachers’ meetings in order to have a say in local matters related to young people and the upper secondary school. The members of the student board are listed on our Finnish pages: https://www.kiteenlukio.fi/web/kiteen-lukio/opiskelijakunta-ja-tutor-opiskelijat.
Student tutors
Student tutors consist of second-year students whose tasks include creating a good atmosphere in the general upper secondary school. They assist the new students with course selections and acquaint them with school practices. The student tutors’ tasks include helping out at school functions and organising their own events. Student tutors also represent Kitee Upper Secondary School at fairs.
Would you like to become a student tutor? If you like working with other people, you are the right person to serve as a student tutor. Naturally, student tutors have a positive attitude towards the school and studying. Student tutors are reliable and they honour agreements and schedules. At the end of the academic year, the student tutors receive course credit and a separate course certificate for their tutoring activities.
OPK ja tutorit
Otsikko: Yhteystiedot
Sirpa Kostamo
lukion rehtori
040 105 1139