Guardian’s checklist



Students have to complete no less than 150 credits in general upper secondary school. For this reason, it is advisable to complete approximately 60 in the first year.

It is possible to retake a test and attempt to improve a failed grade (4). Resit examinations are organised at the end of each study period. Students can register for a resit examination by submitting a form available in the school office.

A student cannot proceed further in the studies of a specific subject, if the number of failing grades is higher than accepted [etenemiseste]. This takes place if a student receives a failing grade for more than 1/3 of the compulsory and national optional studies in a specific subject.

For instance, in a subject in which a student takes study blocks of national compulsory and optional studies including 14 credits, no more than four failing grades are accepted.

If a student has not received a passing grade for a study block at the end of a study period, this may be due to unreturned assignments or absences which have not been explained. The study block performance can be complemented during the following study period.



Studying at a general upper secondary school is full-time work for a student. Other work and holidays should be scheduled to take place during school holidays. Students should notify the tutor of their absence and the reason for it without delay. Apply for a permission to be absent for other than health-related reasons in advance from your tutor (1 to 5 days) or the school principal (more than 5 days).

An explanation for each absence must be provided either by a health authority or a guardian. The easiest way to provide an explanation for an absence is via Wilma.

The guardians can monitor the student’s progress and absences on Wilma.

After each study period, we kindly ask the guardians to check which studies the student has completed on Wilma.

In problem situations, please contact the school without delay: the subject teacher (study completion, remedial teaching), guidance counsellor (choices, further studies), principal (matters such as the matriculation examination, studies completed in other schools etc.), school secretary (practical matters, such as forms of support), school social worker (social matters, forms of support), school doctor, nurse and psychologist (health-related matters) and special needs teacher (special needs education and testing of reading skills). The contact details can be found in the newsletter for the academic year and on the school website.

You should inform the school about all matters you think may affect the young person's studies.


Otsikko: Yhteystiedot



Sirpa Kostamo

lukion rehtori
 040 105 1139

Riikka Tervonen

 040 105 1145



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