Daycare in daycare centres

Daycare in daycare centres

Daycare in daycare centres

Municipal daycare centres offer both full-time and part-time care.

Kitee has four municipal daycare centres, which are open from 6:30 to 17:30 depending on the families’ needs. When both parents are employed in shift work, you can apply for round-the-clock care for a child under school age in two different daycare centres. In addition, Kitee has one private daycare centre.

The operation of the daycare centres is based on the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care and on the local curriculum for early childhood education and care. A personal early childhood education plan is drawn up for each child in cooperation with the child’s guardians.

Otsikko: Yhteystiedot



Anne Hakala

varhaiskasvatuksen palvelusuunnittelija
 040 105 0215

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