Play areas

Play areas

  • There is a traffic park and a play area on the premises of daycare centre Kieppi, which are freely available to families outside the daycare centre's operating hours (after 17:00 in the winter and after 15:00 in June and July). Children can ride their own bicycles and vehicles in the park.
  • The City of Kitee has also smaller play areas in Sepänniemi, in the area between Koskelontie road and Tavintie road, in Peltola near Helyläntie road, and in Kytänniemi at the end of Varstatie road.
  • The public playground of Kesälahti is located along Juutintie road.


For more information, see Playgrounds

In the winter, there are sledding hills at least at the Hutsi Sports Centre, near the VesPeli sports facility, close to the flagpoles, and in the sports area of Horkkanotko in Kesälahti.





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