Hutsin koulu_alasivun pääkuva

Hutsin koulun esittely

Hutsi School

Hutsi School is located on the premises of the Hutsi Sports Centre, close to Kitee city centre. The school offers education for grades 1–6, and there are around 120 pupils. There is also a preschool group at Hutsi. The school is located right next to nature and the sports facilities of the Hutsi Sports Centre.

Pupil welfare

Pupil welfare is the responsibility of the school nurse, school social worker and school psychologist.

Student association

The student board has two members from each grade.

Peer support

When school starts, each first-grader gets a peer supporter from the fifth grade. The older pupils act as peer supporters for the younger ones for two years. Joint activities are organised regularly.


The school organises a variety of different clubs.

Otsikko: Yhteystiedot



Anne Juvonen

 050 441 7029


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