Applying for early childhood education and care


Applying for early childhood education and care

Apply for a place for your child in early childhood education and care four months before the desired start day at the latest. Apply for a place either online or in writing by using the early childhood education application form. You can also fill in the application in one of the City Service Points. The application is valid for one year after it is submitted.

Submit a separate application for every child applying for a place in early childhood education. You can always cancel the application if your child does not need daycare after all. If your child already has a municipal daycare place and you wish to move them to another municipal daycare facility, contact the ECEC Service Planner. The City of Kitee uses an invoicing system based on the hours of care. For invoicing purposes, draw up an estimate of the total number of your child’s monthly daycare hours already when you are filling in the application, and state the number of hours on the application form.

In the academic year of 2019–2020, the City of Kitee takes part in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s experiment to provide free early childhood education to five-year-olds.


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Otsikko: Ajankohtaista


Otsikko: Yhteystiedot



Anne Hakala

varhaiskasvatuksen palvelusuunnittelija
 040 105 0215


ASIOI VERKOSSA - sähköiset hakemukset + sähköinen hoitoaikojen ilmoittaminen

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