Parks and green areas
Parks and green areas
There is a traffic park and a play area on the premises of daycare centre Kieppi, which are freely available to families outside the daycare centre's operating hours (after 17:00 in the winter and after 15:00 in June and July). Children can ride their own bicycles and vehicles in the park. During the traffic park opening hours, visitors can borrow pedal cars and other vehicles suitable for children.
There are also smaller play areas in Sepänniemi, in the area between Koskelontie road and Tavintie road, in Peltola near Helyläntie road, and in Kytänniemi at the end of Varstatie road. The playground of Kesälahti is located along Juutintie road.
Carpet washing
The carpet washing site of Puhos is located in Myllyniemi, behind the old mill. The carpet washing pier is on dry land, on a sand bed. The site is equipped with washing tables, and water comes from the water supply network.
The carpet washing site of Kesälahti is located in Aittolahti, on Myllyrannantie road. The washing site is on dry land, and there are washing tables available. Water comes from the water supply network.
Dog walking
In downtown Kitee (address Kalapolku), there are fenced dog parks for small and big dogs. There are also several Kakkis containers in the city centre for dog droppings.
There is one kennel for dogs and cats in Kitee: Kiteen Koiratarha & Kotihuolto Oy.
Contact details for the kennel:
- Address: Särkijärventie 28, 82380 Tolosenmäki
- Tel. +358 (0)40 770 9873, +358 (0)400 241 543
- E-mail:
Loose animals caught in Central Karelia are also sent to the kennel.