Preschool enrolment
Preschool enrolment
Preschool enrolment
Esiopetukseen ilmoittautuminen ja eskarin päivähoitoon tai leikkitoimintaan hakeminen
Preschool enrolment
You can enrol your child for pre-primary education by filling in the enrolment form sent in the spring to all local families with a preschool-age child. When you enrol your child in preschool, state also if your child is in need of transportation and/or daycare or play activities in addition to pre-primary education. Fill in and return the enrolment form also if your child starts in preschool in the middle of a school year due to a move or other similar reason.
Return the form to the ECEC Service Planner, to one of the institutions offering pre-primary education, or to a City Service Point. You can also enrol online at
Otsikko: Yhteystiedot
Asset Publisher
Anne Hakala
varhaiskasvatuksen palvelusuunnittelija
040 105 0215